
Current projects

Drinking water and wastewater projects for the Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Lambaréné / Reconstruction of the maternity clinic
100 years Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Lambaréné 1913-2013

The Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Lambaréné (Gabon) was established in 1913, and is today the oldest development aid project in Africa, which is still fully operational, providing important life-sustaining services.

Water is life - this statement is also present in Lambaréné for the hospital’s operations, and especially for saving lives.

"Lambaréné" means "We want to try it!" in a Gabonese dialect.

We currently support the "Swiss Association" with the maintenance work to keep the drinking water supply and the sanitation system in optimal conditions (this is achieved by training and providing further education to local employees). Furthermore, we are financially assisting the reconstruction of the maternity clinic. The clinic will be built with standards that meet the requirements of modern medicine.

With concrete measures, we help to ensure that the water in Lambaréné meets high hygiene standards and that its maintenance can be guaranteed. The water supply and wastewater sanitation is highly important. Water is drained from the Ogowe river and sanitized in the hospital's sewage treatment plant (ecologically, without any chemicals or additives). It can be then used by the hospital, as well as by the entire population of Lambaréné.

Within the scope of the anniversary of the "100 years of Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Lambaréné 1913-2013" we want to do everything we can to implement and execute the project as planned.

Update January 2016:
Good things come to those who wait: After large delays, the maternity clinic was inaugurated on 24th April 2015. The officially opening as part of the celebration for the 50th anniversary of Albert Schweitzer took place on 4th October 2016. The Prime Minister of Gabon was personally present at the opening. The maternity clinic could record around 1,000 births (including three triplets) by the end of 2015.

Donators plaque at the maternity clinic

Firstborn child on 24/04/2015 baptised with the name "Albert"

The band for the maternity clinic officially cut by the Prime Minister together with the President of the Hospital Dr. Stoffel

Update November 2014:
The building of the maternity clinic stand upright and according to Europeans thinking only very few finishing work is necessary.

That includes the connection of the electrical work and the air conditioning. Once this work is done, they can start setting up the chambers and medical rooms. The interior work was completed despite various post-improvements, e.g. an 80m2 brickwork had to be renewed due to defects in the reinforcement.

The competent engineer, Andreas Rentz, is flying in October 2014 to Lambaréné and will be on the spot during the following weeks. He will press ahead with the final work. The exact date of the implementing will be known after the visit of Andreas Rentz.

Main reasons of the delays: Refusal of different entry visas for skilled workers from Cameroon to Gabon - even in Africa there are problems of migration, not only in Europe! In addition, there were large delays in the customs clearance of containers from Europe.

Update May 2014:

Clean water in Lambaréné!

Several Wheelchairs are ready for the hospital

The electricity is on a good way to be finished soon

The reconstruction of the maternity clinic is done!

Update April 2013:

Reconstruction of the maternity clinic in April 2013

View from outside: Reconstruction of the maternity clinic

The building works go forward!

Water for Life Foundation
Gartenstrasse 95
CH-4052 Basel